Most Congo natives adhere to age-old tradition for problem solving. They place their trust in the powers of the fetish to aid them during times of need. The small wooden fetish used for personal use is known as Nkisi. It is believed to have supernatural powers brought about through the magical workings of the village Nganga (fetishtist). The Nganga creates and activates this power by placing medicines such as animal or human parts, clay, plants and other indigenous items around and inside the object. It is also involved in commitments whereas the fetish acts as a witness to the promise made; with each nail driven by the persons involved. In this case a commitment was made by two persons to each other in hopes of forming a bond that will forever last between them. The Nkisi is subject to food offerings and prayer on a regular basis by the owner out of faith and to maintain the objects' level of power. Our double faced Nkisi offers iron nailing, thick fiber binding and raffia material keeping instep with time honored tradition.
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Dimensions: 12 inches tall x 6 inches wide x 4 1/2 inches deep.
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