The Bamoun, a dynamic race, conquered their way from North Africa two or three centuries ago to settle in the high plains of Cameroon. The Bamoun have many attributes, one being highly gifted artisans. Their workings are some of the most elaborate, intricate and lavishly detailed pieces in all of Africa. Only the most superior of Bamoun artists are called upon to create Royal Court art; objects whose function is spiritually connected and utilized only by the members of the Royal family. The offering on view is property of the Queen. She would take this bell in hand and ring it often while sitting or dancing at public festive ceremonies. The people would be comforted by this action for it was perceived that the King and Queen as part of their duty were in charge of the mental, physical and spiritual well being of the people. They had been given the special power of being able to see spirits and other worldly beings good and bad that ordinary citizens could not. The Queen used this bell to ward off malevolent forces that would try to do harm to her subjects while gathering. Thusly she would wave the bell around periodically keeping evil at bay. Her subjects seeing this being done would know that they are well protected. Finely cast with intricate wire like detailing the handle consists of the Queen herself holding a child in her bosom. The child represents the entire village for she is the mother of all.
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Dimensions: 15 1/4 inches tall x 5 1/2 inches wide.
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